MDR Bus & Digital Input Modules
As part of the HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR (Modular Data Recorder) system, various Modules and Accessories are available from Safran Data Systems. These include the following Bus Interfaces and Digital Input Modules. Full datasheets are available on request.

MDR Bus & Digital Input Module Comparison Table
Click here to view Analogue Input Modules, Video Input Modules, Hybrid Interface Modules, and here for Storage Modules.
MARR16, MARR16A - ARINC 429 Input Module.
The MARR16, MARR16A modules are input modules for ARINC 429 data. Each module can be integrated in a MDR mainframe and combined with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR modules to a multi-channel recording system.
Number of channels:
MARR16 - 16 ARINC 429 data channels on 16 Physical inputs
MARR16A - 32 ARINC 429 data channels on 16 Physical inputs

MUAR6T, MUAR6TA - ASCB / MIL-STD-1553 Input Module, 6 channel.
The MUAR6T and MUAR6TA are 6 channel ASCB / MIL-STD-1553 input modules with transformer coupling.
Each module can be integrated in a MDR mainframe and combined with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR modules to a multi-channel recording system.

MCAN4 - CAN Bus Input Module
The MCAN4 module supports CAN2.0A and CAN2.0B with 11 or 29 bit. Each data channel is galvanically isolated via induction coupler.
This module can be fitted in a MDR mainframe in combination with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR modules to build a multi channel recording system.

MDCRI - DCRsi Input Module, 1 channel.
The MDCRI is a one channel DCRsi (Digital Cassette Recorder System Incremental) input module.
Accepts both differential NECL 120 Ohm terminated, and TIA/EIA-422 120 Ohm terminated signals.
This module can be fitted in a MDR mainframe in combination with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR module(s) to build a multi channel recording system.

MDSC32 - Discrete Input Module
The MDSC32 module is a 1 channel discrete input module (32 discrete single ended inputs).
The module can be integrated in a MDR mainframe and combined with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR modules to a multi-channel recording system.

MAFDX1 - Ethernet Interface Module
The MAFDX1 modules are AFDX (ARINC 664) bus input modules, able to record one dual redundant AFDX (ARINC 664) bus and/or 2 independent Ethernet channels.
The modules can be integrated in a MDR mainframe and combined with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR Modules to a multi-channel recording system.
10 / 100 / 1000 Mbit/s Ethernet bus communication.

METH2, METH2A - Ethernet Input Modules, 2 channel
The METH2 can record 2 data channels on 2 physical inputs.
The METH2A can record 4 data channels on 2 physical inputs.
The modules can be integrated in a MDR mainframe and combined with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR Modules to a multi channel recording system.

MFCR1-1 - Fibre Input Module (Duplex), 1 channel
The module accepts FC-PH, ANSI INCITS 230-1994 inputs up to 1.0625 Gigabits per second (Gbps).
It has 1 Data channel on 1 physical fibre channel input, and 1 PCM data channel from extracted physical fibre channel data.
The MFCR1-1 can be integrated in a MDR mainframe and combined with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR modules to a multi channel recording system.

MFCR4-1 - Fibre Input Module, 4 channel
The module accepts FC-PH, ANSI INCITS 230-1994 inputs up to 1.0625 Gigabits per second (Gbps).
It has 4 Data channels on 4 physical receive only inputs.
The MFCR4-1 can be integrated in a MDR mainframe and combined with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR modules to a multi channel recording system.

MUAR6D - MIL-STD-1553 input module, direct coupled, 6 channel
The module accepts 6 independent dual-redundant MIL-STD-1553B busses.
The MUAR6D can be integrated in a MDR mainframe and combined with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR modules to a multi channel recording system.

MMRG8, MMRG8A - PCM Merger Input Modules, 8 channels
The MMRG8 & MMRG8A modules are 8 independent channel PCM code (NRZ or BiPhase) input modules.
The module can be integrated in a MDR mainframe and combined with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR modules to a multi channel recording system.

MUSM16 - Serial Input Module, 16 channels
The MUSM16 module is a 16 Data channel input module for RS232 or RS422 / RS485 asynchronous serial data.
The module can be integrated in a MDR mainframe and combined with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR Modules to a multi channel recording system.

MSTG2 - STANAG 3910 Input Module
The MSTG2 module is a 2 data channel STANAG 3910 input module.
It has 1 dual-redundant STANAG 3910 bus or 2 independent STANAG 3910 busses.
The module can be integrated in a MDR mainframe and combined with any other HEIM DATaRec® 4 MDR Modules to a multi channel recording system.

Please contact our sales department for further information or if you have an enquiry regarding a data type you wish to record and not listed above.