MultiLED G-S8

MultiLED G-S8 - Professional LED lighting for High Speed Macro Photography


The MultiLED G-S8 is the ultimate LED solution for high speed camera macro applications, period.

  • Up to 120 million Lux in the focus point with 8 heads (depending on LED colour and working distance).

  • Depending on camera sensitivity, closed aperture at below 1 microsecond exposure can be achieved.

  • Touchscreen controller for configuration.

  • Position up to 8 „S3/xf LED heads“ freely around your application.

  • Active cooling , 5% duty cycle continuously (white LED), 10% (colour LED).

  • BNC, TTL, pulse width controlled up to 1.4 MHz.

  • Option on request: 1 several hundred microseconds pulse for ultra highspeed cameras up to 10 fps.


Available colours and outputs:

Colour Wavelength
White White
Royal Blue 458 nm
Blue 475 nm
Green 528 nm
Amber 595 nm
Red Orange 615 nm
Red 625 nm
Photo Red 660 nm
Far Red 730 nm

MultiLED Lamp Head Index: LX - MX- QX - QX Mini - LT - PT - ZX - L180-XF - L48-XF - CG8 - R100/R200 - G-S8

For further information please contact a member of the team at Photo-Sonics International Ltd.

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